Anyeong !

My photo
we sell cute jewelry that will catch your heart

Friday, December 31, 2010

HAHA, tengok ni !

Just after saya wish, nick jonas pun wish. Hahah. I know it's lame kan post macam ni ? Haha :p

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

CNBLUE with DJ Koo(Dec 29, 2010)

So I missed the chance to see C.N Blue performing at Inkigayo channel SBS today. Kenapa laa Astro baru nak datang esok pasang beyond ? (SBS channel only got at astro beyond HD). *Sigh*

Congratulation Malaysia !

Oh look that's Rio Ferdinand congratulates us on twitter !

BTW, congratulation Malaysia for the match ! We won man !


Yeay :)

p/s : Yess Indon , nak cakap apa ? Haha

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010

Dear Allah, please give me strength to get through whole this :'(

Get a life lah

To all indonesian yang disagree dengan TT 'HATE MALAYSIA' , terima kasih banyak - banyak :)

So, today I've open my twitter since I really had nothing to do during this fucking holiday and what a surprise what I found today is some rakyat Indonesia made a TT ' HATE MALAYSIA'.

So now this is we gonna talk about. It's really become hot topic on twitter today. Tak percaya ? On twitter korang search la HATE MALAYSIA. Maybe ini sume sebab gara-gara pasal bola semalam di mana Malaysia menang 3-0 dengan Indonesia. Congratulation Malaysia ! Chukahe !

But really lah Indonesian ? Please lah, you guys are really unmatured. Lepas tu dah kalah nak salah kan laser pulak. Dah kalah tu kalah je laa. Sume game ada kalah dan menang. Tu pun nak kecoh nak buat TT lagi. Ntah pape lah. Memang loser betul lah korang. Memang lepas ni taubat dah , dah tak nak tengok drama Indonesia and dengar lagu2 dorang.

Btw, I love malaysia <3

Sunday, December 26, 2010

I really appreciate this

This is really long time ago. Dah lama dah nak update pasal benda ni but asyik terlupa je. Hihi :P This.. emm what we call ah ? Beras ada nama eh ? Haha. Lebih kurang lah. Dalam tu ada beras. Dekat beras tu boleh tulis nama yang korang nak. Nak letak nama gf / bf sume boleh. Iza gave me this beras and what the surprise on that beras tu there is my name and dott2. Haha. I'm so happy when she bought me that thing. I still remember when she showed me that beras and I was like aaaahhh ~ but i don't think the whole school dengar. Haha !. I still kept that thing nicely cuma air dia je dah habis. Rasanya benda tu bocor kot, Haha. Btw, I really really appreciate it Izaa <3
Sometimes you have to let it go your feeling

Kawin Kawin

Penat tak terkata ouh

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lepas SPM

Sila click untuk tumbesaran gambar :)

Haha. Betul cakap Amir, lepas 20 Dec je semua in a relationship. Cakap orang, kau pun sama la Amir oii. Tension ? Sape tension ? Saya ? Eh, mane ada. Trust me. Single is better. Nak couple , tunggu bila dah kerja nanti. Wahahaha

Monday, December 20, 2010

Last School Day

5 Aset (The rest I don't know. Haha). The memory with you guys is always on my mind.

Amin , Fyqa - whenever I see her, she always gelak. Haha

Syah. The funniest guy that I've ever known since form 3.

Ngoi Li Wei. The very best Chinese girl that I ever known.

High school is over. Let's partayyy !

Finally baby ! FINALLY :D

I'm Farah Aida Mohd Nazir, just finished my high school life 3 hours ago.

Wow baby , wow ! Haha x).

Friday, December 17, 2010

Crap !

I missed watching music bank today because my f*cking television rosak. What the &^&%$# !
and I missed SNSD and C.N BLUE perfoming -,-. And today I'm not in a mood at all.

Hello ?

Hey guys, now I've open my blog to public. Do enjoy reading my blog and follow me. I really need follower now. REALLY okay :D. Thank youuu

p/s : just ignore the music. haha. I know it kinda loud and you can't pause it. Just turn your speaker into mute. Sorry about that. I really want to delete it but i love the song. Haha :P

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I really love her room !

Her room give me inspired for my new upcoming room :)

p/s : I think better you watch it on youtube. Because you can't pause the music that i put it on my blog. Haha. Sorry about that.

Damn, I want to go !

Like seriously ?! I want to go man !

Damn, I am so lame -.-

I just learn how to screenshot. Haha. What a looser :p


Okay guys this is my new tumblr. I've got two tumblr now. Haha :P. It's so freaking weird. Btw, do visit and follow me at both my tumblr and my blog. I will appreciate :>


" A friend is a present you give yourself "
- Robert Louis Stevension

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

SPM cepat habis boleh tak ? Bosan kot nak tunggu awak habis.

It's 4.23 am and i still in front of my laptop. Downloading this WGM made my eyes suffered. Sorry eyes, it's just for tonight. Sumpah lama gila nak download video ni. Dah 3 jam dah , tak habis - habis lagi. I want to sleep but dah 84% dah, takkan nak cancel kan ? While downloading WGM ni, I click on and search for drama Hi, My Sweetheart which recommended by Amin my classmate. I didn't expect he watched all this korean and chinese drama. Hahaha :P. And what the surprised , the drama was so great and funny ! Trust me, I only study for 2 hours only for my Ekonomi paper this monday. How bad I am huh ? Hahaha

Jealous betul bila tengok budak science dah habis, dah boleh online , dah boleh keluar and bila tengok kat fb homepage je , ade je budak yang single change to --> in a relationship (yang mana dah plan nak couple lepas SPM tu laa). Benci betul :(. Kenapa la kitorang punya lama sangat nak habis ni ? Orang dah la nak karaoke , nak melalak , nk shopping , nak melancong, nak amik lesen ni !

p/s : Oh btw, please pray for my Ekonomi paper for not being harder just like Account paper. I will be appreciate :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Kebetulan ataupun dah jodoh ?

Yelah2 , aku tak pandai screenshoot. Anyone tolong ajar aku ? :>

Jodoh ? kekekke. Apa ni ? Hahaha. Okay, guess what ? Tadi tengah bosan - bosan sebab tak nak belajar on lah facebook sekejap kan. Then try lah yang friend interview tu. Lepas sorang, sorang aku jawab. Then tiba-tiba dia tanya " How much do you love ___________??? <3>
Hahaha ! omg, tak tau nak jawab apa. Takkan nak jawab " Any words can't describe how much my love for him". Malu laa nati :P. Haaa ~ I am really blushing right now. Eissh, teringat pulak menyesal sebab tak pergi Youth'10 hari tu. Eeeei , kalau tak dah boleh jumpa. -,-

Saturday, December 11, 2010

One more paper

Account :

Oh my Jimmy Choo, macam fuck gila oh soalan dia. Bukan main lah aku buat latihan ape yang spot tapi apa yang kluar ? Hampeh tersangat lah hampeh. Aku tak rasa account dapat C pun tak tentu weh ! Yang confident boleh jawab cuma document and yang bahagian B tu je. 2 soalan je weh 2 soalan je ! Bila keluar dewan semua muka macam nak nangis je. Harap2 laa graph turun. Kalau tak kerja kilang la aku nanti. Sape nak kau bila kau kerja kilang ? Takde sape pun nak pandang. Betul tak ?

Now, tinggal 1 paper je lagi. Mati - mati aku ingat this monday exam Ekonomi, rupa-rupanya next week monday. Kelam kabut gila aku kat rumah belajar Ekonomi then bila ibu cakap kat aunty aku tinggal seminggu lagi baru merdeka and aku macam , eh ? bukan isnin ni ke ? Then ibu cakap , 20 hari bulan lah, minggu depan. Otak ni dok la memikir apa nak jawab kalau aku tak cukup revise rupanya start minggu depan. Tu lah, kalau dah asyik memikir nak freedom cepat je , macam ni la jadinya. Kesian kat WGM, aku tinggalkan dia siarkan sorang2. Tape now aku boleh tengok tiga2 couple WGM. Heee :P

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dang ding dung

Title kat atas macam dah habis SPM je kan ? Sabar - sabar , 2 more paper je lagi farah.

Finally, my laptop dah re-format and dah boleh masuk internet. Lepas SPM ni , boleh la mengadap sampai mata lebam.

Ape saya nak buat lepas SPM hah ? Ha ni diaaaa :

1. Mula2 sekali nak main ice-skating dengan boyfriend eh eh, tak dengan bestfriend dekat Sunway. and plan nak enjoy habis-habisan dekat situ >_<
2. Mulakan plan nak kuruskan badan. Fighting !
3. Amik lesen kereta
4. Kerja dalam 4 bulan sudah la. Heeee XD
5. March - pergi concert Super Junior. Waaah ! can't wait. Nak beli tiket yang depan skali
5. Overseas with family :)

Then, dah masuk U. Tu pun kalau dapat lah kan . hehe :P

Friday, December 3, 2010

Nu Abo

Guys , It's been a long time tak uodate blog. Since now busy with SPM tkde masa langsung nak update blog. Tengok WGM boleh pulak kan. Heee :)

SPM ? How my SPM ? Emmm, okaylah. I did my science very well ! :D. Additional Mathematics ? Em, hanpeh la. Tapi paper 2 okay sikit la dari paper 1. Now, tinggal 2 paper je lagi , Account and Ekonomi. Weee, so close to freedom babyyy !